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Drinking is stupid

So alcohol is retarded. I am not against drinking at all, I don't go
condemning people who drink, and I don't think it's a sin to drink.
Jesus drank wine, it's all good. I'm pretty sure he never got drunk,
but even still, I think drinking is retarded. First of all, it tastes
bad. Those who disagree, have "acquired" the taste. It is impossible
to think that alcohol, a flammable and bitter chemical, will ever
taste good to he or she who tries it for the first time. The only
reason people force themselves to acquire the taste is so that they
can drink socially and be able to blend in as a person who is "able"
to drink. It is stupid that one has to be "able" to drink alcohol. I
don't have to "try" to drink apple juice. It just works.
Another thing, is drinking for fun; for its effect. Even if you are
only drinking just enough to "loosen your joints", it just means you
have a problem. If you believe the only way you can reach a point of
being stress-free and emotionally able to mingle in a crowd, it just
means your dependent on a chemical's effect to change you enough to be
able to do so. It's sad, really. I am able to enter a group of people
and dissolve my own insecurities without the help of a harmful chemical.

I know some people that do drink, but won't eat ketchup or drink coke
because it cleans pennies. Stupid.
Now there's those who think that getting drunk every once in a while
is ok. It's not ok to even do it once, in as many viewpoints as you
want. As a Christian, I consider it a sin. Rom 14:20-21. Duh.
It also kills brain cells. Faster than you can ever grow back. This
means it makes you virtually dumber forever. I like my brain cells. I
want to keep them all and not throw them away in exchange for the joys
of a hangover.
Also, getting drunk usually leads to other stupid activity.
And then there's people who refuse to smoke weed or cigarettes but
will get drunk. Hey, idiots, it's all bad for you, and it's still a
drug, even if it's legal.
Cigarettes give you lung disease and make you stink. Drinking gives
you liver disease and also makes you stink.

Drinking is dumb. I don't care what you say.