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Conquest with No Limits

So this coming year's youth retreat is titled "Conquest with No Limits". I actually came up with the title myself, and it was voted on. Yay I win, lol. ANYWAY so I have to live up to this. God has to do WHATEVER possible with me and with others to do whatever it is He has to do. There are no limits to what He can do, there is no stopping His plan. 
The first song that came up as a suggested element to our setlists for retreat is the obvious "No Limits" by Israel & New Breed. I've heard it a few times, and has always sounded simple to me. I was mistaken. There is no correct chord transcription of the song ANYWHERE online. BUT there is a book. A book that was published by the group itself. I cannot afford this book, and it's not a common book found in any old library. My school in Boston, Berklee College of Music, has these kinds of books for all kinds of music, but not this particular album, Alive in South Africa. So I did some researched and discovered that this side of the country has all 5 big players in the library-world: the Library of Congress, Boston Public, Yale's Library, Harvard Univ. Library, and finally, the New York Public Library. I looked around in their library search, and found the songbook! It's in the New York Library for the Performing Arts, used by the Lincoln Center / Julliard people.
I'm heading over tomorrow and getting this chart, (among other charts ;-), because there are NO LIMITS to what can God can do.